44 2033180199

Results of brain transcatheter laser revascularization in the treatment of the consequences of ischemic stroke

Ivan V Maksimovich

Introduction: The research focuses on the degree of blood supply restoration in the brain by means of transcateter laser revascularization in patients after ischemic stroke.

Materials and Methods: 874 patients 29-81 years old (average age 74) after ischemic stroke were examined: 647 men (74.03%), 227 women (25.79%).

The examination included CDR, MMSE, IB, cerebral CT, MRI, MRA, scintigraphy (SG), rheoencephalography (REG), cerebral MUGA. Test Group was comprised of 533 (60.98%) patients undergoing transcatheter interventions. Control Group included 341 (39.11%) patients receiving conservative treatment. High-energy and low-energy lasers were used for cerebral revascularization.


Test Group:

• Good clinical outcome was achieved in 323 (60.60%) cases;

• Satisfactory clinical outcome was acquired in 136 (25.52%) cases;

• Relatively satisfactory clinical outcome was procured in 74 (13.88%) cases;

• Relatively positive clinical outcome was not gained in any case.

Control group:

• Good clinical outcome - 51 (21.07%) cases;

• Satisfactory clinical outcome - 72 (21.11%) cases;

• Relatively satisfactory clinical outcome - 123 (36.07%) cases;

• Relatively positive clinical outcome - 95 (27.86%) cases.

Conclusion: Transcatheter laser revascularization is much more effective in the treatment of ischemic stroke consequences than conservative methods of treatment are. When intracerebral blood flow is restored, it reduces the level of mental, cognitive, and motor disorders and helps to quickly bring patients back to their active daily life.

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