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Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

歯科症例報告、オープンアクセスのオンラインおよび印刷ジャーナルであり、オリジナルの論文、短いコミュニケーション、症例報告、編集者への手紙、社説、およびミニレビューを出版の対象として検討します。基礎科学から症例報告まで、歯科のあらゆる側面に重点が置かれています。提出された作品は、その科学的妥当性とメリットに基づいて評価されます。原稿は、Odontologia: Relato de Casos にのみ投稿されるものであり、要約を除き、原稿に含まれる内容は過去に出版されたものではなく、他の場所での出版が検討されているものではないことを理解した上で受け付けられます。出版社はすべての出版物に関する商業著作権を留保し、作品が適切に引用されている場合に限り、個々のコピーの複製およびあらゆる媒体での使用を許可します。出版物の複数部を複製および配布する許可については、Publisher@pulsus.com声明および意見は著者の責任です。


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General instructions: Arrange the manuscript as follows: title page, structured abstract and keywords, preface, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, funding sources, disclosures, references, figure legends, tables. and figure. Do not import diagrams into text files. Number the pages consecutively, starting with 1 for the title page. The surname of the first author must be entered at the top of each page. To ensure that the final published version matches the electronic file, please use double-spaced Times New Roman or Arial fonts only. Using non-standard fonts can result in missing symbols. Text files should be saved as doc.files. All manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter detailing the content of the submission and indicating the author to whom correspondence and page proofing should be addressed. Authors must sign a publishing agreement provided by Grupo Pulsus. Upon acceptance for publication. The editor should provide the author with at least the name (including her email address) of any prospective reviewer who has not been a collaborator or co-author in the past three years and has not provided advice or criticism on the submitted manuscript. We recommend providing 5 people. Authors can list up to three reviewers they wish to exclude.

Title page: The title, author name (including full or middle name, credentials [MD, PhD, MSc, etc.]) and a short 45-character title appear on the title page. In addition to the name of the institution from which the work was published, include the full name, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and the author's e-mail address to which correspondence, proofs, and requests for reprints should be sent. .

Summary and Keywords: Provide a structured summary of up to 250 words on a separate page. It should be divided into four subsections with the headings 'Purpose', 'Methods', 'Results' and 'Conclusions'. Case report summaries do not need to be structured, but are limited to 150 words. Omit only standard units of measurement. At the end of the summary, include a list of 3 to 6 keywords or phrases for indexing purposes.

Text: The text should be divided into "Introduction", "Methods", "Results" and "Discussion". Appropriate subheadings should be provided for the Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. Abbreviations were prepared by the International Medical Journals Editorial Board and published in Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47 and Can Med Assoc J 1997;156:270- Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. must follow the format recommended in 7. Make a list of non-standard abbreviations and acronyms used in the text. References, figures and tables are cited in the text and numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text.

Acknowledgments: A brief acknowledgment may appear at the end of the text, before the references.

References: References must be cited in numerical order as they appear in the text. References in the text are identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses on the line. Personal correspondence, manuscripts in preparation, and other unpublished data are not cited in the reference list, but may be included in parentheses in the text. References cited in figures and tables but not in the text should also be numbered. Enter the bibliography separately from the text, double-spaced. Bibliography style and punctuation are as follows:

Periodicals: If there are 6 or fewer authors, list all authors. Otherwise, list the first three of his and add "et al". Do not use a period after the author's initials. 1. Cole P, Day K, Noble D, et al. Cellular mechanisms of dental mechanical electrical feedback in a mathematical model. Can J Dentistry 1998;14:111-9.

Books: 2. Svensson LG, Crawford ES. A case report of dental and gingivitis. Toronto: WB Saunders, 1997:184-5.

Book chapters: 3. Trehan S, Anderson JL. Thrombolytic therapy. Source: Yusuf S, Cairns JA, eds. Dental care based on scientific evidence. London: BMJ Books, 1998:419-44.

Website: 4. National Library of Medicine. Images from the history of medicine. (Accessed January 5, 1999).

Figures: All figures must be submitted in their original format. Number letters, decimals, lines, and other details should be large enough to withstand shrinking and duplication. Create charts using Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Corel Draw (.cdr), or Adobe illustrator (.al or .eps) is needed. Graphics imported into figures must also be submitted separately. Photos can be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher and saved as a .tiff file. Place crop marks on the micrograph to indicate fields of interest and designate special features with arrows (must be in contrast to the background).

Figure legends: Double-spaced to separate from the rest of the text, with figure numbers corresponding to the order in which the figures appear in the text. Identify in alphabetical order all abbreviations that appear in the figure at the end of each legend. Enough information should be provided so that the figure can be interpreted without reference to the text. The figure legend does not appear on the actual figure. Reproduction of previously published figures must include written permission from the publisher and author.

Tables: Double-space on a separate page from the rest of the text, number the table above, and descriptive text below. Table numbers should appear in Arabic numerals and correspond to the order of the tables in the text. If abbreviations are used, the footnote should include an alphabetical list. Reproduction of previously published tables must include written permission from the publisher.

POLICY ISSUES: All statements and opinions are the responsibility of the author. When submitting a manuscript, the transmittal letter must indicate that all authors have participated in the research and have reviewed and agreed to the content of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest: All authors acknowledge and agree that they are not affiliated with any commercial associations or other arrangements (e.g., financial compensation received, patient licensing arrangements, potential benefits, consulting, equity ownership) must be disclosed. This information is open to editors and reviewers and may be added as a footnote at the editor's discretion.

Human and Animal Experimental Ethics: If human subjects are involved, the text should indicate that everyone gave informed consent and that the protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board. If laboratory animals are used, please state in the text that all procedures performed are in accordance with institutional policy.

Proofs : Page proofs are sent without the original manuscript, so authors should keep a copy of the original manuscript. To avoid publication delays, authors must return proofs to her by fax or email within 48 hours.

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